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Speed Paint

Woot. Nearly missing for a week. Went to my company trip last weekend. Super fun. Super crazy. Super experience. My 1st time playing paintball and rafting. Whats best is, my 1st time to get allergy symptom which last for 1 day!! Yay!! =_=

Perhaps I'm gonna share my trip experience next time, afterI get the photos from my colleague to show off.

For now, artwork!!! Speed paint, spend around an hour, excluding time which I used to help my friends with their tech probs ^_^. Done in photoshop, I'm liking photoshop more and more, perhaps for its control and post-pro features. Anyway, I did it with reference, Terminator 4: Salvation poster to be exact. I wanted to experiment with the concept-art-technique kind of feel.

Well, I plan to do EVA01 (speed paint again) tomorrow, since it's Friday night and I can spend whole late night without worrying working. Yay!!!

Gawd, am I being cheerful....