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Still Rushing

Finally done my character design. This is as far as I can go with my current skills. I'm lazy to write out the description and details... And I'm tired...

Well, going off...

Rushing!! Rushing!!

The Wacom challenge deadline is closing in. And here's the character finalise sketch. Gonna do the full concept art painting tomorrow. I still have the environment to do, wa~~~ T______T.

Past few days I was in Cyberjaya with my laptop. Not able to my work properly, sucks (゚Д゚).


*Sigh* Three months is such a glimpse. My internship has officially ended last Friday and I bid farewell to my company today. It was an interesting experience for me and I had so much fun working in Metamosaic. My bosses and colleagues were so-not-typical which I could describe as madness. This one of a kind experience is so hard to describe in words. But I'm glad and happy that I worked (or par-tee ^_^) there. Thanks for everything Metamosaic, you'll be always remembered.

And now, some artwork I did in the company. Like most art and design company, the limitation for using our artwork is quite strict. There are bunch of stuff which I'm only allow to use as personal portfolio and presentation, but not posting it commercially, like into this blog. Anyway, hope you'll be delighted with my humble artworks. If you are interested in other stuff, I mean those that I'm not allowed to post here, you can look for me personally to get an idea on the stuff I did during my intern.

Project brief, the one I'm showing here are from a project where we are required to model buildings from a portion of Kuala Lumpur around KLCC area. You can say most of the models are low poly (sort of). Well, these are individual buildings I built. Maybe I'll post up the full modelled site later on when final touches are made by the company (if I'm allow to do so).

So, till then.

Meritz Appartment & Selangor Dredging Company

Berjaya Central & Four Seasons (pre-visualise)

Maxis Tower & Maya Hotel

Wacom Challenge

Lack of updates... again. But this time, I'm not going to disappear like how I was before. Rather, I've decided to pick up the Wacom challenge and focus on the competition instead.

Wacom has opened up a competition to produce concept art of the future. I think it has prepared two categories, one for the visual of the future landscape, and another one will be designing a hero for the future.

Well, I'm kinda lazy to do all explanation. So far the submitted works for the challenge seems sucky (like I should say XD). It seems I'll be trying more of my luck and less of my skill, lol. I wanted a Wacom Intuos badly, so yea I'm looking forward to it.

Anyway, I've designed both landscape and my character for the past few days. I did the landscape in paper, so nothing to show for now. And this will be the draft of my character. Hoping to get the posture right later on. There are still a lot to fix in terms of poportion and posture. =_=

Leech King

I just remembered how terrified some of my colleagues were during our trip to Perak. And the thing that they were terrified of? L~E~E~C~H. They were feeling geli here and there, and when I told them some leeches would crawl into your underwear, they were horrified. LOL.

I dont' know. Perhaps I'm too used to them or I'm just a disgusting guy in some way. I find them adorable... in some way I mean. LOL. And the best way to handle them? Just not to panic, roll them on your skin and then throw it away, simple as that. They are just looking for food, that's all, nothing against humans.

Anyway, behold the true terror of leeches, The LEECH KING. Done in photoshop, 2.5 hours. Don't bother the miniature humans around it, I drew it out of fun. It should have been a speed paint. Wasted my time fixing shits. Angle, perspective, colour, form, all those common things, bah =_=.

Speed Paint X Experiment

Another speed paint and experimentation. Just got the idea in my office today. Suddenly have the urge to paint the elegant Flying Snow (Maggie Cheung, yay!!) from Hero (the one that Jet Li acted).

Hmmm..... Nothing much to describe. Like I said, I wanted to develope the concept art style, that's why it's kinda rough. But I'm quite happy how it turned out. Able to hang on the "flow" during certain stage.

2 hours, Adobe PS3.

Speed Paint

Woot. Nearly missing for a week. Went to my company trip last weekend. Super fun. Super crazy. Super experience. My 1st time playing paintball and rafting. Whats best is, my 1st time to get allergy symptom which last for 1 day!! Yay!! =_=

Perhaps I'm gonna share my trip experience next time, afterI get the photos from my colleague to show off.

For now, artwork!!! Speed paint, spend around an hour, excluding time which I used to help my friends with their tech probs ^_^. Done in photoshop, I'm liking photoshop more and more, perhaps for its control and post-pro features. Anyway, I did it with reference, Terminator 4: Salvation poster to be exact. I wanted to experiment with the concept-art-technique kind of feel.

Well, I plan to do EVA01 (speed paint again) tomorrow, since it's Friday night and I can spend whole late night without worrying working. Yay!!!

Gawd, am I being cheerful....

Saber Lily Finalise

Ok. Old habit strikes. Got tired and lazy doing this piece for past 2 weeks. It's time to move on to a new project as well as trying some new stuff.

I started out not bad, got worse in the mid, and lost my motivation towards the end XP. Bah, at least I learned some stuff during the process. Should keep on practicing in order not to forget the things I've learned.

And I still can't grasp the flow yet... *sigh~~*

Done in Photoshop, not sure the time, but taken 2 weeks by spending few hours every night. Still a long way to go.... It's time for me to practice speed paint.

Progress Check: Saber Lily

Nothing much, just progress check. Feel free to leave comments. Feel slightly dissapointed as it didn't turn out as I expected.

I still have a LOooooNG~~~~~~~~~~~ long way to go.......... T_T