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Leech King

I just remembered how terrified some of my colleagues were during our trip to Perak. And the thing that they were terrified of? L~E~E~C~H. They were feeling geli here and there, and when I told them some leeches would crawl into your underwear, they were horrified. LOL.

I dont' know. Perhaps I'm too used to them or I'm just a disgusting guy in some way. I find them adorable... in some way I mean. LOL. And the best way to handle them? Just not to panic, roll them on your skin and then throw it away, simple as that. They are just looking for food, that's all, nothing against humans.

Anyway, behold the true terror of leeches, The LEECH KING. Done in photoshop, 2.5 hours. Don't bother the miniature humans around it, I drew it out of fun. It should have been a speed paint. Wasted my time fixing shits. Angle, perspective, colour, form, all those common things, bah =_=.