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Revo X Yuki Kajiura: Dream Port 2008

Two of my favourite composer, Revo of Sound Horizon and Yuki Kajiura has collaborated to compose this amazing song, 砂塵の彼方へ (Sajin no Kanata e). The song has surfaced for quite awhile and I heard of their collab, only to actually listen recently. I was totally blown away by this amazing song and can't help repeating it for god-knows-how-many-times XD.

Ahem, a lil' introduction~~

Revo is the guy that started the band "Sound Horizon". He composed a lot of great songs, with each album telling a story, each song telling a chapter of the story. The members of his band (or group?) always comes and goes, with few recurring members who stayed by his side for few albums. I can describe him as multi-talented, being able to play guitar,
keyboard, accordion, and even composing and arranging songs. Crap, he even got a bunch of ladies surrounding him throughout his career (YUKI!!! XD).

Yuki Kajiura is a famous female composer for a lot of anime hits. She has work alongside with few other famous band such as FictionJunction and Kalafina. Not much I know about her, just that I listen to her songs and like it very much. You can just wiki her profile if wanna know more.

Well, during the final part of the song where only the guy and the lady sings together, that's Revo and Yuki.


Another few scenes from my FYP. Like my previous scene, it's just the first stage of modeling and texturing, the details are not there yet. Heck, I'm getting fed up working on my FYP anyway.

FYP Concepts

Some FYP concepts. The first two are thumbnail sketches, which is pre-finalize concepts. The following images are detail (sort of) concept of my in-scene objects.


Another year comes and goes. Be noted that this post is not written on Jan 1st but the date was set to be Jan 1st instead. Anyway, it was an interesting year, stuff happens here and there. And finally I manage to put more effort and time into improving my art skills.

Let's see what happened to me in 2008. 21st birthday, being screwed by lecturer, started my intern, being rejected, best friend study abroad, hang around alot with my high school friends, beijing olympics, ended my intern, got a bunch of cool mags and artbooks, started my final year of degree, being screwed by lecturers again, celebrate new year :D.

Another year, another goal. When look back on the 21+ years I spent, there are bunch of regrets and blessings nonetheless. Well, I think I should list out here, just to rant a bit ^^.

Top 10 Regrets

1. Never study abroad
2. Never had a girlfriend
3. Took my friends for granted
4. Chose the wrong majoring
5. Met my fucking housemates
6. Stopped my art classes during highschool
7. Being sort of nerdy during highschool
8. Never had the resolve for self-improvement until recently
9. Never active in clubs during university days
10. Never celebrated my 21st birthday =_=

Top 10 Bessings

1. Met my highschool friends
2. Met my best friend
3. Studied in MMU
4. Took the path of an artist/designer
5. Met my fucking housemates again (life is a paradox, crap...)
6. Able to get an amount of study loan
7. Found what I love (to do) early on
8. To have no disabilities (I think :P)
9. Born in a mediocre family
10. Being a boy scout (was)

Well, that's pretty much of it. Anyway, I have a deadline set to myself during end of this year. Miyamoto Musashi, my idol, became a saint swordsman when he was age 22. And so, I need to become godlike artist by end of this year. And of course like I mentioned earlier, hopefully my blog would get 5000 hits as well. For my results... Erm, I pretty much don't give a damn about it ^_^, except that hopefully my FYP would get honourable-mention-sort-of... honour... during the end.

The rest of my wishes, a good health, a happy graduation trip, and never forget, to have a kick-ass girlfriend, RAWR!!!

That's all, Happy 2009.