Thursday, October 2, 2008
by エド @ Ed
What a tedious job this is. It's actually more of graphical design that I did for my ex-classmate, which to be use as a poster (I think). I don't have much experience with graphic/vector art, and actually I don't really like to do these kind of stuff. That's why I'm trying to get it done as quickly as possible. But more or less, yea, I learn some stuff and got some extra experience in doing vector arts.
Doing those decorations is really a hell of a job, though I got it done in a night, should I be proud of it? LOL. I may wanna avoid such task in the future, it cracks my head to do those frilly-swirly stuff =_=. Heck, since I'm doing it for a pretty girl (die also willing la, LOL), can't complain too much.
As for the Wacom challenge, I don't have much hope on it, since good artworks start popping out during last minute. What a let down, bah... Shouldnt' those pros give a chance to noobs like us? (゚Д゚)
My "client" rejected my work, so this is the new layout. I maintained everything except changing the colour scheme. Doesnt look as good as the previous one, not contrast enough... Well, that's what the client wants and that's what the client gets.